Since more than 2 generations, we macerate in a mud amphoras for 7 moons the 30 botanists selected to produce our most valorated vermouth, our “Vermut de Lluna”. In it, we can appreciate an intense and balsamic nose, with a balanced acidity and bitterness and a long posture that invites us to continue enjoying.
It’s easy to pair with snacks. We recommend serving at a temperature between 6º and 8º. 15% Vol.
Elaboration of Vermut de Lluna
Thirty herbs, flowers and roots chosen at their right point of maturation, dried and controlled so that they do not lose their magnificent properties, are infused in pottery vessels with alcohol for forty-five days with a purpose of extracting all its aromas, flavors and qualities of these plants, roots and flowers.
After these 45 days, the infusion is extracted and proceeded to press those herbs that have remained in the bottom, in this way its essence is not lost. After this step, the mixture rests for three months in oak barrels. Finally, after this time we can add this mixture with the white wine to round the vermouth base, add the sugar and the caramel in the right measure, balance the acidity and bitterness of wormwood and alcohol.
Although it seems that it is finished, still to do the end point, and is that the mixture will rest a year in a oak barrel before bottling and marketing to achieve a complete fusion of all ingredients.
All this process of elaboration takes place in an old house of natives of our property “Mas Del Nen” where it maintains an ideal temperature for the elaboration, thanks to an old subterranean well that constructed the natives to which belonged the vinery to him and thanks to the stone walls, the temperature remains practically the same throughout the year.